Russian Version
Dear colleagues - diving professionals!
Diving industry in Russia develops with the double digit speed. Everything related to recreational SCUBA-diving expands very fast: education, tourism, sales of equipment, environmental programs etc. Resort operators world wide witness an increasing wave of Russian divers on the popular diving areas, and leading manufacturers - a great increase of equipment sales in Russia. We created our magazine 3 years ago, when Russian diving community were locked in information hunger, because even leading diving magazines were not known in the country (anyway, they were all in English). Awareness of new achievements in the international dive industry, new gear, diving centers and liveboards was very poor in Russia. Since that time, our magazine has become a leading professional source of information for all Russian divers, instructors, professionals and for all, who love SCUBA-diving, free-diving, underwater activities and the sea.

We try to make a magazine bright, richly illustrated, interesting and useful. We try to combine articles on serious aspects of diving and romantic dive sites around the globe, reports about diving events, stories about prominent people and their fates, about expeditions, records and love stories. We try to make our magazine a label of the diving life style – for all. Who love the Ocean.

One of the main targets of our magazine is to show our readers the beauty of underwater world and its inhabitants, to show the wonderland of our dreams in all its glory and to tell the stories about adventures in SCUBA-diving and other water sports. Since the edition is so exclusive and useful, all Russian divers and instructors, clubs and schools, dive-shops and centers, trading sport companies and stores became our subscribers and readers. It’s all in Russian – but the pictures are international…
Welcome to the world of Russian Diving Magazine DIVING CLUB!

With warmest regards,
Alexey Zaitsev 
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Russian Diving Magazine DIVING CLUB is a monthly, richly illustrated, colourfull magazine about underwater world, SCUBA-diving, adventures, travel, history and outstanding underwater explorers. Main topics of the magazine include diving travel worldwide, education and training agencies, equipment and manufacturers, new gear, technical air and trimix diving, methods and medicine, diving sites and areas, resorts, dive centers, schools and clubs, liveboards and environmental programs.

Technical data
Size: 210 X 290
Circulation: 30.000 copies
Publishing schedule: Monthly
Publishing company: Underwater World group, Moscow, Russia.
Tel/fax: +7 095 245-3993
Copyrights © 19972004 DIVING CLUB
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