Russian Version
1 September :: Our anniversary

It's been five years since the first issue of Diving Club appeared. For the Earth five years is just a second, for a coral reef it's nothing more than a brief moment, for a human being it's quite a period of time… And for a magazine?

Of course there are newspapers and magazines that live for decades.
But mass interest to diving, and hence diving periodicals, is just a couple of decades old.
So, looks like five years is quite a period of time. There's been a lot of changes – we created a new design, became a monthly magazine, the editorial staff changed – but the main things are still the same: every issue tells you about the beautiful underwater world, its amazing inhabitants, the intricate and tragic story of love and battle of Mankind and the Ocean.
August 27 we threw an anniversary party. Our friends and partners came – top managers of Russian and international companies working in the dive industry.
Thanks to all those who came to celebrate with us and we are grateful to all our readers who have been with us all these years as our best reward is the feeling that we are needed. Thank you, dear friends!

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